Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Clovis 23 Things Thing #17

Not sure if this was positive or negative for me! I found two videos to be I guess interesting is the word.
The first video really made you stop and think about how much is going on out there. And the second video showed how involved technology is in students today. I felt that this video didn't show technology as a positive, but as a very negative. It really opened your eyes to how much a distraction technology is to kids and how easy one is able to get off task so quick for so long. I know that there are many thing that technology can do for us in a positive way, but how to monitor the distraction is where the question is. Even for myself as I am sitting here completing each "thing", I find myself getting of task and before I know it, I have been sitting in front of the computer half the day and I am still have not completed all the "things" that I need to have finished!! As far as what I did find positive, was the refseek site. Holly and I thought that this was a great link for teacher with the TeacherTube and the 5min. This could be helpful when trying to get an answer in a quick manner.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm, I tried both of the youtube links and the videos are unavailable for some reason. You raised an important point about the negative potential for technology. Like many things, technology is not inherently good or bad. It's how we use technology that determines its positive or negative effects. Hopefully, we can show our students beneficial uses of technological tools and steer them away from the destructive uses.
